Friday, October 18, 2013

Well, so much for my earlier enthusiasm! I really didn't read (ugh, again!), I didn't blog, I didn't even jump on my own bandwagon. I did however have 2 surgeries. The first was to fix my diastasis. A 'simple' 3 hour surgery turned into a 6 hour surgery & the Dr. closing his office for the day. Turns out I had the largest one he'd ever a L O N G S H O T! It was 18cm. My muscle was completely separated from me. The largest he had operated on (until me) was 8cm. Well, if you're gonna do something, do it big or go home, right?! That was a tough recovery. I am just now really able to use my stomach muscles again *le sigh*. The 2nd surgery was for a reduction. Turns out I had a mass in my left side, sooooooooooo the 1-1/2 hour procedure turned into almost 4. Dang, I can't catch a break! On the up side of this, I feel a whole lot better... my step is springier and it's easier to move around. My back & shoulders are pain-free. Now to get my dupa into gear & do things. Next blog I'll tell ya'll about my adventures in a Pub Crawl & a couple of 5K's...