Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Review of Faery Swap by Susan Kaye Quinn

's review 
Jan 20, 15  ·  edit

Faery Swap was such a good story! Susan Kaye Quinn takes you by the collar and pulls you in IMMEDIATELY to share in the adventures of Finn~ a teenage boy transplanted to England, struggling to keep his sister out of protective services while his father is nowhere to be found. Enter a somewhat surly Faery prince (Zaneyr) and shenanigans abound! Finn is stuck trying to figure a way to fix things while Zaneyr wants to keep that from happening.
Mark Mullaney did a bang-up job of voicing the characters. With Ms. Quinn's descriptions & Mark's voices, it is so easy to picture it all happening~ my family even got in to it! They were enthralled with it and couldn't wait to listen to Faery Swap with me! It's a real breath of fresh air to do that with the family... we held our breath together, laughed, cried & even whooped with the characters! I highly reccomend this book to any and all- especially to those wanting to share a long car trip with the family, lol!

Link to Goodreads

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sower of Dreams (Gods' Dream Trilogy #1) by Debra Holland

My review on Goodreads

This is my first Audiobook review, so here goes...

Ms. Holland weaves a tantalizing web of current and etheral sories together so seamlessly, you feel like you are right there...and here... all at the same time! Vivid landscapes encompass you as you stroll through the book in awe at it's depth- all the sounds and smells linger in your senses. A Warrior princess, a farmer Prince, evil families and Gods/Goddesses fill Sower of Dreams to the brim with mystery, intrigue, romance, betrayal and action! This is a must read that I couldn't put down~ I can't wait to listen to Reaper of Dreams next! 

I give this book 4.5 stars out of 5!