Monday, June 4, 2012

Now that I have your attention, I'll let you in on a little secret- I have absolutely no flippin' idea what I'm doing! I'm delving back into books & I wanted to be able to share my thoughts & feelings. Shouldn't be too hard, right?! We'll see about that...
I'm currently reading :
The Lost Prophecies by The Medieval Murderers    The Lost Prophecies , by The Medieval Murderers thanks to my lovely daughter Erin. When I'm done, I'll post a review to let you glimpse the machinations of my melted mind (thanks to my children).

I'm also SUPER excited to be receiving several books from Goodreads just by being chosen in their First Reads giveaways!
I've won:

As I receive these & read them, I will also post reviews...

    Finally, I'm signed up to do a read-a-long this month. What is that you may ask? Basically it is an online book group that will read a chosen book in certain increments, and ask/answer questions over the material. It's a great way to enhance AND have fun with your reading experience! I'm going to read:

So, until we meet again, keep the kids out of the flowerbed & the books in your hand!

- Kelly  :o)


  1. So glad you're joining us, Kelly!! I hope it turns out fun. :)

  2. Thanks for dropping by my blog.It was just in time for me to enter you into the giveaway.I love the picture at the top of your blog.Going to put the winners on my blog later today.

    1. Howdy~
      Thank you for the compliment on the picture. It represents my 8 children & I ;o)
